the life i wish was mine

3 min readMay 6, 2024


source: “casablanca” directed by michael curtiz, 1942

an adventure like i’ll never know in my life

the passion in passing

the longing to belong

the appetite that millions won’t ever taste

or come to understand


i am thinking of all the things that have

passed between us

i am remembering things which i supposed

i had completely forgotten

i am conscious of an overwhelming

sadness for something beyond what

we thought we had under control

it seems a sadness for something else,

something that included you and was

part of the great awful sadness of all

the things i’d ever lost or loved or known


it seemed then i was in a different place

a different time

and this different place and time was

very real, and it was a world where the air

had been close and thick with death and

with your spring perfume, a universe in your



time ceased to exist on any meaningful

basis during these years, and i was often

absorbed in very simple things, as one

would when art, complexity, ambiguity,

the iconcity of a face and a flush of pleasure

are all precious and personal

but all during these years, i had a vague

but persistent desire to return home where

there’s an abundance of contrast

i would think of it acutely and i would

feel for my home the only glimmer of

desire i felt for anything outside my endless

pursuit of you


i knew the answer to my quest(ion) before i

ever reached texas

and when i came to texas i thought you

were powerful and beautiful and without

regret, and i wanted that desperately

i did not dare discover the extent of what

i was convinced belonged to me, nor try to

seperate that loss from some other oppressive

realization — that in texas i’d found no truths

to lessen loneliness or transform despair

rather, i’d found only inner workings of my

own small soul, the pain of yours, and

passion for a woman who was perhaps

more evil than i could really hope to become


i was helpless

you were helpless

i knew, had known even at the moment

when i turned away from you, that behind

my back, that behind your eyes, there was

for him the love you could not hide, the eyes

that wanted him instead of i

for a moment, i even conceived a savage

jealousy of the unionhood which you held

close to yourself in my presence as if i were

not there at all


i have now lived in two centuries, seen the

illusions of one utterly shattered by the other

i stood in the center, wishing one would

swallow me before my vile unsupportable

hunger to escape them both ate at itself

and when i thought your heart would kill

me and trust me i couldn’t care less if it did,

you parted us and rewarded him with a life

i wish was mine

