a lifetime trying

2 min readMay 13, 2024


source: sid vicious and his mother anne beverly

every night i dream of blood that could

wash the weight of the world from

your shoulders

every night i dream of ripping your heart

from its root and handing you a new one

every night i dream of my fall from grace

for a new birth, hoping to be king again

every night i dream of water that could

fight the fire underneath your skin

a lifetime trying to bring an ocean to

the flame and bring glory back to your



a victim of the curse of resiliency

your reward for surviving is to suffer a

measure of sublime loneliness

the fact is i want you gone from here

wishing for you to only fly way, grow

older and devoid of nightmares and

sheer exhaustion

i would much rather see you die than be

the object of a false promise of a quiet

passing without regret


my insistence on recklessness endangered

us both

decisions that could’ve been made

more carefully

you were hopelessly jarred over and

over by my viciousnes, threatened by

my danger to you

responding with both anger and a prayer

granting mercy that the world refused

your compassion became its own hell


son of an angel, daughter of the opposite

companion of my every waking hour

sharing seeds of secrets that endured the

passage of time, which i’d only dimly begun

to comprehend

laughing til' our hips ached and when i

stood alone amongst those who were against

me, unlikely to be far or between, you appear

at my very side, holstered for war


a cavalier for a bed, a prison, and a cloud

who knew that better than i, who had hoped

to understand why under god this suffering was

allowed to exist, why under god it was allowed

to begin, and how under god might it end


from you i learned the value of life but through

me i inherited a passion for ending it

injured i remain from the wounds you realized

were too heavy to be yours

and how monstrously unfair that i am to

stomach responsibility for what is obvious

and overwhelming and emerging slowly from

your shadow domain


with your blood, i am alive

and with your blood, i am sworn to you and

i am beginning to understand that the love

for me that you can’t hide but can’t give, the

love that could sustain me a lifetime, the love

that i am willing to eat out of one’s hands,

allows me to exist far beyond my selfish wish

for your death and my own

